Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Day with the Team

First, Brandon & Savannah arrived last night. Then the rest of the team started arriving in waves today. Brandi arrived around 11:45 AM, April about 1 PM and John, Ann & their kids arrived around 1:30 PM or so. When the last of our team got there, our team was complete. We had a group prayer to start things off right. Then the Blackburns unpacked and it was off to downtown to set-up for the reception at the Doubletree Hotel. It was really cool to see our team working together to set up for the event. It was the first time that our team collaborated together on a project in person.

After setting up, we went to a Team Expansion meeting then dinner at Qdoba's on 15th, four blocks East of Peoria. After dinner we headed back over to the convention center, got our name tags and headed back over to the Doubletree banquet room for some final touches for the reception. People had already started arriving and it was 7:40 PM (it wasn't supposed to start until 8:30 PM). As the night went on, the people streamed in. Not sure what the final count was, but I wrote down the names of everyone I talked to, as well as few that signed the guest list that I didn't talk to and I came up with 85!!! So, assuming there were a few people who I didn't see, didn't remember or didn't sign the list we probably had 90-100 people come to the reception! That totally blew me away, I was hoping for maxing out the room with fifty, but thought maybe thirty or more would show up. It was very encouraging to see the support and interest about what God is doing and wants to do in Verona.


Liz in the Mist said...

(this is a friend of Brandi's) Prayers for the Go Verona team this weekend!

mcrosser said...

Thanks so much for your prayers!