Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cravings... Holy and Otherwise

I am craving rain. While half of the country is literally overflowing with it, south Texas hasn't had a drop. And I am desperate for it.

I love water. I love to drink, shower, bathe, swim, dip my toes, run my hands in it. And I love to watch it rain. In the rain I am renewed.

My parents have been gone for a few days. I'm being lazy. I'm waking up later and spending time in front of the T.V. I'm reading an autobiography and taking long baths. But, something has been strange about all of this... feeling little nervous butterflies in my stomach. And I couldn't put my finger on it. Until this morning. Ahh... My quiet time with the Lord has been postponed with all my leisurely activities. I've been doing it late (yesterday not until 2). It's not a sin issue. It's a "what's best"/"First Love" issue. Those butterflies are a craving for the Word. For Prayer.


So, please excuse me. I'm going to be alone now... well, almost.

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