Piazza Bra
This is the Arena in Verona. It is much like the one in Rome...since it was built by the Romans in 30 AD. It is still used today for concerts and operas.
From the piazza we set out walking in search of the many sites Verona has to offer. We headed down Via Roma and found Castelvecchio. It is a castle by the river that dates back to the 12th century.
Verona is the famous setting for Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. The story is fiction but Verona still payed tribute to Juliet by recreating her balcony.
We did some sightseeing but we also took time to do research for when we live there. We visited a grocery store to see what it's like. It's quite a bit smaller than your average grocery store in America. We did find a bountiful amount of pasta, olive oil and cheese.
We also found the language school we will be attending the first year.
We also walked around an electronics store and a clothing store to see what was available and the prices of different things. We also walked through neighborhoods. Most people live in apartments. Every building we saw was beautiful. Here's one near our hotel:
I feel like this a watered down version of our day...we did so much! It seems we only got a glimpse of Verona. We can't wait to get to know the city and the people of Verona even better once we live there! We had a nice dinner in the evening followed by gelato. We were so tired by about 9 at night, we headed back to the hotel for some rest. I bet we walked 10 miles after the day was over.
Here are a few more pictures from our day in Verona:
Inside the Arena
Porta Borsari...up close
Piazza Del Erbe
so cool!!!
I loved reading yall's blogging from your trip!! I can't wait for you to get there. I'm praying for you guys!
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