Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Dear Jon Letter

I'm still listening to your sermons' podcasts. In listening to the One Month To Live series, I've really been convicted. My "bucket list" was easy: evangelize in Verona, Italy. It made me self-righteously sad. If this is my only dying wish (well, if I were dying), then why isn't God just having people pour in money for me to go soon?
And I started thinking about it... I'm planning on 10 to 15 years there. Not just one month. What do I spend my time thinking about, praying about, reading about? The culture, the language, the money needed, the housing... nothing bad in itself - just not Jesus Himself. So, I want to guard myself and remember that the point of going to Italy is not Italy - but Jesus! And even if I'm there for a decade or two, I need to be evangelizing like I'm only there for a few days.
Thanks for the reminder.

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