Monday, July 21, 2008

Nothing Lasts Forever

The recurring theme in my life lately seems to be a reminder that nothing lasts forever. This is a good thing sometimes and sometimes it feels very sad. But either way it is something to help as we go along.

I remember when my kids were all little and John's mom lived with us. We had several years when we wondered if we were ever going to be able to sleep through the whole night again. Teething, chicken pox, kids with colds, endless laundry (ok, so that hasn't slowed down all that much...we just don't do diapers any more!) But here we are- John's mom is in heaven and our babies have grown. In fact, now I'm wishing we had more time. Jess and Luke are just a couple of years out from heading off to college. The trips they've taken lately have meant a much different atmosphere around our house. We miss them. I think of all the things I had intended to teach them. Time seems really short.

So when I think of having our departure delayed yet again, I remind myself that this transition won't last forever. We'll be in Verona soon. I can be patient with this for a while longer. When I think of the kids heading out, I hope this reminder will motivate me to prioritize well and teach them what I can while I can. I hope it reminds me that the people around me won't always be able to make a choice for salvation.

Oh, and the statement isn't exactlytrue. One of these days Jesus is coming back and we're heading home, where we get to be with him FOREVER. I'm glad that's what will last.

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