Saturday, September 26, 2009


Every September, Verona hosts a street game festival. It's like something I've never seen before. Think of the best fair you've ever been to: games, food, stands where you buy things you don't need. Then turn it up about two notches and add 30 or so more games. Now sprinkle it all over the city. And make it free.
Every year they choose a country's heritage to celebrate. This year, it's Greece. So, there are Greek games and Italian games. Some very traditional with traditional garb and some modern games. Some are for children and some are for adults. This picture is of some sort of wresting game. There were instruments that looked like wooden flutes that sounded like bagpipes playing.
The streets are full of people wondering from game to game. So fun! My favorite one to watch was some number game. The men sat around a table and would yell out numbers while doing some sort of hand gestures. They obviously knew when they lost and the next person would play. It was in fast forward. Anyone could play. Maybe I'll sit in next year.

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