Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I came across a card I had sent to John many years ago. It had been reprinted from Faith at Work magazine. It seemed so appropriate then and it does now also. So I am sharing it here.

Ever feel like a frog? frogs feel slow, low, ugly, puffy, drooped, pooped. I know. One told me. The frog feeling comes when you want to be bright but feel dull. You want to share but are selfish. You want to be thankful but feel resentment. You want to be big but are small. You want to care but are indifferent. Yes, at one time or another each of us has found himself on the lily pad floating down the river of life. Frightened and disgusted, but too froggish to budge.

A Fairy Tale- Once upon a time there was a frog. But he wasn't really a frog. He was a prince who looked and felt like a frog. A wicked witch had cast a spell on him. Only the kiss of a beautiful young maiden could save him. But since when do cute chicks kiss frogs? So there he sat- unkissed prince in frog form. But miracles do happen. One day a beautiful maiden grabbed him up and gave him a big smack. Crash-boom-zap! There he was- a handsome prince. And you know the rest. They lived happily ever after.

Observation- So what is the task of the church? To KISS FROGS, of course.
Wes Seelinger

So go find a frog...or two!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Waiting In Hope

I have a friend from Brazil. Today we were trying to explain the difference between waiting and hoping. Apparently in Portuguese there is no difference.

And why should there be? If I am waiting on the Lord, aren't I hoping in Him? I have been thinking a lot about Romans 15:13 where God is called The God of Hope.

It's so easy to let our waiting be just ambling along without purpose and joy. What if it we thought about it as hoping instead?

Hmmm... what are we waiting for?

Monday, January 11, 2010

To Do What?

I have a big Write-On/Wipe-Off board in m office with the title "The Big To-Do". It contains a perpetual To-Do list. Each task is under a certain topic: mail, blog, cleaning, budget, etc... Our team has fancy web-based tools to help me be organized, but I really, really love that I get to erase this board. And that the white space keeps getting bigger. Well, until the end of the month. Anyway, on my boar I have some dates listed. In front of them it says: Reminder.
Remind who? Remind them of what? How can I remind them of something I can't remember and don't know why I'm reminding them of it? See how confusing it gets?
What good is this task written on my board if I don't know what it means?
And that's exactly why God gave us Paul. Jesus said "Love." Paul tells us exactly how to do that. Encourage one another and build each other up. Carry each other’s burdens. Honor one another above yourselves. Make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Don’t seek your own good, but the good of the other person. Comfort each other. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Maybe we need to sit down and make the to-do list a little more detailed.