Friday, March 13, 2009

Looking Forward...not Behind.

As has been our habit for nearly two decades, we like to read aloud to our kids. The book I'm currently reading to them is one of my favorites. It's called Dove, which is also the name of the author's boat. It's written by and about Robin Lee Graham who sailed around the world single-handedly as a teen back in the 1960s. In it, he writes about some of the places he and his wife, Patti (whom he met and married during his five-year voyage) revisited:

"Sometimes, we backtracked Dove, but when we paid a return visit to a cove or beach it never looked as lovely the second time around. We'd find a lagoon that was really beautiful and return to it perhaps two days later, but the water was colder, the colors more subdued, the wildlife less interesting. After this had happened several times we learned not to look over our shoulder. It was the next place that mattered, the view around the next headland, the swim in the next lagoon."

We heard just a few days ago that our team leaders have received their needed support and have begun preparations to leave for Verona in early June. Fellow teammate, April, who likewise has her needed support in place, will follow a few weeks later. We are so thrilled and excited for them.

We have enjoyed our time in China and in the States. But, we are looking forward to the next cove, the next headland, the next lagoon. We are looking forward to Verona!

Matt, Angie, and April, we will join you there, soon!


valeria said...

Hi! What exactly are you going to do once in Verona? I have been trying to work our what your job is... I understand it is related to Church but I can't figure out what you will actually do.
Thank you for following my blog, I hope it gives you and insight of life in Verona! Ciao

John Blackburn said...

Hi, Valeria!

I guess you might say we are a team of evangelists and pastors. We are Christians who have seen the decline of faith in Jesus Christ in Europe, especially among the young people. So, we hope to "fan into flame" the embers of faith if we can. We want to learn Italian and we hope to open a sort of "Cultural Center" where we can teach art, dance, cooking, English, etc. as a way of making friends and to share the good news of what Jesus has done to reconcile us to God.

We love following your blog. The pictures are wonderful and they do indeed provide us with a tremendous insight of life in Verona! Every day I look at your blog (I have it set as my "home page") and I just long to be there! You are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing that beauty with the rest of us!

We hope to meet you when we get to Verona. My family and I hope to be there perhaps this Summer or Fall. When we do finally arrive, we'd like meet you and your family if you'd be open to that. Perhaps we can treat you all to lunch. (We'll pay, but you'll have to pick out the restaurant!)

We feel like we know you already because of your blog and it's nice to have a friend already in Verona!

John and Ann
Jessica, Luke, Avonlea, and Bryan

John Blackburn said...

In fact, Valeria, when we do eventually open the Cultural Center (which will be free to the public, by the way), we hope you will consider helping us out by volunteering to teach a few photography classes! Something to think about! Have a great day!