Friday, December 5, 2008


Last night was "Snuggle Night" at our house. Snuggle night has looked different through the years, but last night it meant that it was Bryan's turn to snuggle with Mama. As a result, I was relegated to his bed. In the past few weeks, I have grown increasingly dissatisfied with our waterbed and haven't rested well. Last night, in contrast, I slept as peacefully as the proverbial log and woke up rested and refreshed.

Sometimes, that's how I feel about our time in America and our upcoming time in Italy. I find myself growing more discontent here in America. I know that God is allowing this and that He is bigger than the oft accused "economy." I know that in His timing we will finally arrive in Italy and this time in America will fade like a dream upon waking. In any case, I know that once we do arrive in Italy, I will breathe a deep and restful sigh of peace.

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