Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faith Raising

Brandon and I have been at this Support Raising thing for about 4 months now. I can't believe it has been that long. When I look back to April when we started I would have thought by August we would have alot more money coming in and be a whole lot closer to our goal. I could easily get discouraged and think that God's not going to hear our prayers and provide for our need but I know we're going to get there. It seems everytime I get stressed or worried about it I am reminded of what powerful and loving God we serve.

We were driving home from Indianapolis the other night and as we drove by a church the message on their sign stood out to me. It said "Where God guides, He provides." That little statement really rang true for me. I think back to last summer when Brandon and I were searching for where God wanted us to go and what capacity He wanted us to serve. As we stayed on that path constantly seeking God's direction and guidance we found the opportunity on the Verona team and before we knew it, God had put us where we belong. I know every appointment with a church missions board, every connection we establish, every email we send, and every dollar that comes in is a step towards our goal. All of these things are blessings and gifts from God. I try to not take any of them for granted but it's so easy to forget that we're not the ones controling who gives us money and who meets with us...it's our mighty God.

I just pray that as each person on our team strives to get to Verona that we all remember throughout every step that even though there is alot to accomplish, God will meet us half way. He'll be there to guide us and He will be there to give us all we need to complete the work He has called us to do.

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